Texas City, TX

Texas City, TX


Mansions At Moses Lake Texas City

2211 34th St N

Texas City, TX - 77590


1 - 2

Monthly Rent

$105 - $500/month

Ratings & Reviews


About Mansions At Moses Lake Texas City

Hours of Operation:

Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.


Gated Community

Luxurious Community Center

Beautiful Pool

Business Center/Computer Room



Beautiful Landscape

Picnic Area with BBQ Grills

Professional Administration


Planned Activities


Convenient to Shop

Convenient to Dine

Online Maintenance


Internet Access

Requests Professional

Administration on Site

24 Emergency maintenance hours

Covered patios and balconies

9-foot ceilings

Ceiling fans in every room

Large cabinets

Energy Star appliances


Integrated microwaves

Self-cleaning ovens

Washer and dryer connections

Complete Carpet and tile floors upgraded

Fire sprinkler system

High-efficiency air conditioning

Dual pane windows with low emissivity glass

Garden tubs Linen closets

Integrated computer desk

We are a pet-friendly community

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Photo Gallery

Pictures of Mansions At Moses Lake Texas City


According to our records, monthly rent at Mansions At Moses Lake Texas City is between $105 - $500/month.

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