Atlantic City, NJ

Atlantic City, NJ


Scattered Sites Atlantic City

901 Arctic Avenue

Atlantic City, NJ - 08401

Monthly Rent

$600 - $750/month

Ratings & Reviews


About Scattered Sites Atlantic City

Special Programs and Projects of the ACHA and URA

Home Ownership – The Atlantic City Home ownership Program provides guidance to first-time home buyers in the pursuit of home ownership. Working with financial institutions, first-time home buyer assistance programs, and home ownership counseling agencies, we can assist you in the home buying process.

Section 23 Home Ownership Plan – Participants may purchase a home located in Atlantic City that is owned by the Atlantic City Housing Authority. A home may be substantially discounted up to 50% of the fair market (appraised) value. An application may be made at Click the Apply Home Ownership link and mail you pre-qualification to Beth Ann Shample at PO Box 1258, Atlantic City, NJ 08404.

Section 8y Housing Choice Voucher Home Ownership Plan – ACHA Section 8 participants may qualify to purchase a home located within 25 miles of Atlantic City, excluding the area of operation of the Pleasantville Housing Authority, and may qualify to continue to receive voucher assistance toward home ownership expenses. Section 32 and Section 8y programs cannot be combined. A housing choice voucher participant may be considered for both programs but must choose to participate in only one of the programs. Participants may obtain a referral from a program caseworker or contact the Home Ownership office for more information.

HOPE VI – ACHA awarded a $35 million grant that is leveraged with other public and private funds to total $209 million to create 528 new, affordable homes, day care facilities, boys and girls club and a public school. Phase I produced 142 single family homes added to ACHA’s scattered site housing development. The final phase of this project, 90 rental town homes called The Meadows, is operated and managed by Conifer Realty.

Resident Services – Provides support services for our Residents. In partnership with various agencies, the department provides access to needed service, training in job readiness skills including computer instruction and workforce training opportunities.

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Pictures of Scattered Sites Atlantic City


According to our records, monthly rent at Scattered Sites Atlantic City is between $600 - $750/month.

3 bdrm
Income Based
Jan 16, 2025

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