North Liberty, IN

North Liberty, IN


Meadows Apartments - North Liberty

635 Meadow Court

North Liberty, IN - 46554


1 - 3

Monthly Rent

$623 - $849/month

Ratings & Reviews


About Meadows Apartments - North Liberty

Rents are based on income and calculated exclusively to 30% of the household's combined adjusted income. A waiting list may apply. Full financial disclosure is required. Maximum income guidelines apply.

Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Apartment Features:

Frost Free Refrigerator

Gas Stove/Oven

Garbage Disposal

Washer/Dryer Hookup

Air Conditioning

Gas Heat

Walk-in Closets

Spacious Rooms

Window Treatments

Community Features:

On-Site Laundry

Community Room

On-Site Storage

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According to our records, monthly rent at Meadows Apartments - North Liberty is between $623 - $849/month.

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